Welcome to Plone 5 Demo!
Launching of Plone Demo site by Quintagroup.

We are happy to announce launching of our new website - plone5demo.quintagroup.com. Here you can see and feel Plone CMS at first hand.
We prepared a demo account for letting you login and browse this site as its administrator. Follow username/password provided on the front page to get into the system. Having authenticated on this website you will be able to get the experience of true Plone user. You will be able to:
- add content by creating pages, folders, events...
- move content between site sections
- manage workflow for every content item by publishing or making it private
- and much more...
See illustrative presentation of popular Plone packages in Plone add-ons demo section:
- Plone themes - demonstration of custom themes that might be activated on this demo Plone site.
- Plone Forms - demonstration of collective.easyform in use on Plone 5 website. Creation of forms in Plone through the web. Examples of different Plone forms.
- Plone Embedly - demonstration of collective.embedly package that allows to embed video, images and other rich media files to Plone simply by providing their URL.